How to Get the Annual Revenue Report
To get a downloadable report that includes your annual revenue along with any applicable tax or credit card fee information, go to Accounting > Overview > Revenue Report or Business > Reports > Revenue Report. Enter the date range that you would like to run the report for and you'll find the totals listed on the last row of the respective column.
Accounting Clean-Up Tips
We suggest checking both the customer credits and the customer list on a regular basis, but if you haven't checked in a while (or ever) - it is best to correct before downloading your revenue report.
- Go to Accounting > Overview and click on "Customer Credits." This will show if a payment has been recorded, but has not been applied to rent.
- Go to Customers > My Customers. If you notice a yellow warning icon - the customer has a potential issue with their accounting. The "auto-balance" feature can help you correct this.