Can I add fees besides rent?


Q: Can I add fees besides rent?

A: Whether you want to charge for electricity, credit card fees or anything else - in addition to rent, Unit Trac makes it easy to charge the customer on a recurring basis. This means that every time that rent comes due, Unit Trac will also add the fees setup.  

Create the fee that you would like to add Business > Settings > Lease and select 'Add' in the Lease Period Template. Rent is always a default charge and you can choose to add the other fees. We suggest naming the template 'Rent + Electricity Fee' or something similar - especially if you have multiple fees. 

Note: The lease period template is intended for charges for each period (week, month, quarter, etc). If this is a standard fee (like a deposit) that you only charge the customer for when starting a lease, you'll want to create the "New Lease Template" - when it is a one time charge.


Starting a New Lease: If starting a new lease and you intend to charge rent and electricity, select choose from the 'Lease Period Invoice Template' drop down - which fees that you would like to charge a customer.   

Editing an Existing Lease: If you choose to add fees after a lease has been started, go to the lease and click 'Edit' in the center column and then  select the 'Period Item Template' drop down to select the appropriate fee as set-up previously.


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