Migrating from legacy API to the new Unit Trac V1 REST API
We have recently released a brand new REST API in Unit Trac for accessing your account data. The orginal Unit Trac rest api will soon be retired, so if you are currently using that API please continue reading.
About the Legacy API
The legacy api consists of a handful of rest endpoints used to retrieve data about your account. This api is primarily used by some of our existing customers to integrate their data from Unit Trac into their custom websites that they host and manage themselves. These endpoints will soon be retired, however we have a brand new rest api in Unit Trac that contains direct replacements for these legacy endpoints.
Connecting to the new Unit Trac V1 Rest API
- After logging into your Unit Trac account, go to the Developer Settings (Business > Settings > Developers)
- Copy your api key from this page.
- Click the "Api Documentation" button to access the detailed developer api documentation.
- All of the rest endpoints in the Unit Trac api will require your api key to access. Authenticating your api requests is done by simply providing your api key through the "Authentication" request header using the "bearer" scheme.
- The developer api documentation provides a convenient "Test Request" button for each endpoint available.
- We also provide a convenient Open Api document which can be used to import all of our available api endpoints into your preferred api client.
Migrating to the new API
- Information about your business can be found at the "api/v1/Businesses/details" endpoint. Use this to access your business contact information and address.
- You can find a list of all of your facilities available at the "/api/v1/Facilities" endpoint.
- Detailed information about a specific facility can be found by additionally passing the id of that facility in the route. For example "/api/v1/Facilities/{facilityid}" where "facilityid" is the unique identifier for your facility (which you can find by first calling the facility list endpoint).
- The facility details also contains your unit sizes and unit information.