How to get an SSL Certification for your website through Unit Trac.

Unit Trac is offering the SSL certification for your website through Unit Trac. Most Unit Trac clients have purchased their domain through GoDaddy - which is the domain registrar. If you purchased your domain through GoDaddy,  you will be able to update the information in the 'Manage DNS' settings.

Note: It may be helpful to have two tabs open in your browser as you will be going between Unit Trac and the domain registar.

See a sample custom website here.

Q: How do I get the SSL certification for my website through Unit Trac?
1. Go to Business > Settings > Public Website.
  1. Select 'Connect Domain'.
    1. Enter your domain in the Domain field.
    2. Select 'Save'.
2. Select 'Verify Domain' to add the following DNS records to your domain registrar.
  1. Copy the CNAME record and paste into the domain registar to edit the previous CNAME record which was set to
  2. You will need to add the TXT record field in order to copy the value. Then copy and paste the asuid.www value into the domain registrar.
3. Within the domain registrar, go to Forwarding (scroll down in the DNS settings if using GoDaddy) and update the settings noted below - using your actual domain name (not
4. After updating the records with the domain registrar, select 'Verify Now' in Unit Trac. Be patient...the Internet takes time to process these changes. Officially it can take up to 48 hours. Our experience has been closer to 5-10 minutes.

Q: How do I improve search results?

A: For some added tips on getting customers to your website click here.

Q: How do I enable online payments or online rentals?

A: Please contact us to enable these features.

Your website is working hard to get you more business. 

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