Manage a Wait List


Congratulations - you have interested customers waiting to rent from you. It can be difficult to keep track of all the details. Unit Trac can help - so that you don't miss out on starting a new lease. Whether a prospective customer requests a unit online, calls, or stops by the facility, Unit Trac can help you easily manage the wait list until the preferred unit size becomes available. 

The waitlist functionality is only available if you utilize the website available with your Unit Trac account. If you aren't using the website that is included with your account, follow these simple steps to launch your website in less than 15 minutes. 

After the customer submits their request through your website (or you submit on their behalf), you can find the lease application at Leases > Lease Applications

Once a unit becomes available, select 'Start a Lease' and the customer information will be transferred over for you to assign the customer to their unit.
After starting the lease, don't forget to return to the wait list for updates. By selecting "Mark as Contacted," the waitlist count will be updated and the application will be retained on the waitlist. Or you may elect to delete the application because the information is retained in Leases > My Leases. Your choice.
Available units don't need to sit empty for long when using the Unit Trac wait list. It's time to turn prospective customers into paying customers. Don't miss out on the opportunity to do business with someone, because you can't find the post-it note with their information.
Easily convert leads to leases and grow your business!
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